This category is focused on college volleyball drills that we have filmed at colleges.

Spiderman Dynamic Volleyball Warm Up Drill with Shawn Patchell

Spiderman dynamic volleyball warm up drill with Shawn Patchell works on stretching the players while immediately getting on the ball. It is a simple drill that works on a skill not often focused on during practice, namely passing low balls, plus it gets the team on the ball and touching the volleyball.

Shawn Patchell – Volleyball Serving and Passing Drill with Tivo (6 Videos)

Serving and passing drills are common in all coaches practices however what I really like about the way Shawn Patchell and his coaching staff run this drill is how the coaches use technology and strategic coach placement to maximize individual attention / feedback and player improvement. See all 6 videos of this drill here!

Shawn Patchell – 4 Ball Drill, 6 on 6 Players – Featuring 5 Instructional Videos

This series of 5 videos features the 6 on 6 game like portion of practice. The drill is the 4 ball drill that features 2 serves, an out of system attack and then a free ball. The game is scored in such a way that the offense should sideout at 75% to score points while the defense should side out at 50% to score points.

Wes Schneider – Volleyball Tennis Drill or Vollis

Volleyball Tennis Drill is a movement and passing warm up drill Wes uses occasionally with his team before match days to have a little fun and get the team moving. The drill focuses and improves a number of different skills including but not limited to; passing, movement and reading.

Volleyball Setter Tutor Drill With Ron Larson and Tom Black

In this video Ron Larson former USA assistant coach works with the LMU volleyball setters in a tutor drill.
Ron is an incredible coach and this series of videos highlights a number of important talking points for setters.
This includes:
• Consistent Contact Point
• High hands
• Follow through
• Feel – Getting an Intuitive feeling for the location of your sets.

Warm Up Drill – Over the Net, Rotating 3 Defender 1 Setter Pepper with Tom Black

Working on all skills, this volleyball drill improves passing, setting and spiking. Again like the previous drill this warm up is game like and over the net as it builds skills. With limited gym time many coaches are having success using drills like this to start practice!

To see 12 similar drills by NAIA champion coach and Volleybal1lon1 instructor Dan Fisher click here.

Go here for a list of all warm ups in our library.

Tom Black – Setter Tutor with Middles Progression Volleyball Drill

In this video Ron Larson former USA assistant coach and Tom Black do a progression on the previous setter tutor drill. Now the setters are running the middle blockers through a series of attacks and hits.

Transition Toss Volleyball Drill with Tom Black

The transition toss volleyball drill works on transition hitting as well as “Read the Game” blocking and defense. The drill fits nicely into a progression from the setter tutor drills already run as well as working on the split step stretch-shortening cycle concepts.

This drill emphasis includes “reading the game” for blockers and defenders, as well as working on the fundamentals of transition and getting off the net after you block so that you get a good attack.

Click here for the full “Read the Game” practice and all of Tom Black’s 170+ Volleyball Videos and Drills

Compete With Transition Emphasis Volleyball Drill With Tom Black

Compete with transition emphasis volleyball drill is the final progression of the practice and in many ways works to improve and emphasize all that the team has worked on thus far in the practice. Note: We have added the conversation from the office where Tom discusses this competition drill.

Dan Fisher Warm Up Volleyball Drills – Half Court 20 20 20

This content was filmed with a High School team in Los Angeles. Our goal with this series of videos was to have Dan Fisher show us his on the net, game like warm up volleyball drills that he uses to improve skill with limited gym time! The key is that rather than doing traditional pepper

Dan Fisher Warm Up Volleyball Drill – The Dig Set Drill

This series of videos contain one of Dan Fishers favorite volleyball warm up drills the Dig Set Volleyball Drill. This drill is utilized early in practice to help the team warmup as well as work on the net ball control and reading the hitters shoulder on defense. One thing Dan stresses is warming up in non traditional ways.

Dan Fisher Volleyball Warm Up Drill – 20 Pressure Passes Drill

This video contains a volleyball warm up drill utilized by Dan Fisher called the 20 Pressure Passes Volleyball Drill. Dan stresses warming up in non traditional ways meaning warming up the players while working on skills on the net. This warm up drill works on passing and passing under pressure! As the number of perfect passes increases so does the intensity of the serve and the pressure to make a good pass.

Dan Fisher Volleyball Warm Up Drill – 2 Person, 2 Touch Volles Volleyball Drill

This is another volleyball warm up drill which focuses on improving skills while on the net in a game like situation. 2 Person, 2 Touch Volles Volleyball Drill really gets the players moving and gets their bodies warm by forcing a lot of contact on the ball.

Dan Fisher Volleyball Warm Up – Volleyball Blocking Reading Drill

This reading volleyball blocking drill helps blockers to better read the hitters arm as well as the setters to be better blockers. This is another warm up volleyball drill Dan incorporates on the net in game like situations in order to rapidly improve players skills. This is a great “reading the game” drill by improving the blockers vision and defensive covering.

Dan Fisher Warm Up – Partner Roll Volleyball Drill

In this video Dan Fischer does a quick 1 minute volleyball warm up drill called Partner Rolls Volleyball Drill. The goal is to have your partner work on defense. They will accelerate to the ground in order to do this drill successfully. Be sure to check out the video from the office where we discuss this drill in depth and answer your questions.

Dan Fisher – Correction Volleyball Drill

This series of videos contain Dan Fisher running the correction volleyball drill, one of Dan’s favorite drills.This is a great drill where you can work on almost every skill except serve reception. In this drill Dan is working on specific skills each individual player is having problems with.

Dan Fisher Tweener Ball Transition Volleyball Drill

The tweener ball transition volleyball drill is one of Dan Fisher’s favorites. The tweener ball drill focuses on running an in system offense from 8 to 12 feet off the net. Basically the ‘in between’ area of a good pass and a bad pass thus giving the drill the name ‘tweener’. The goal is to run a middle attack and make it part of your normal offense.

Dan Fisher 3 Ball Wash Volleyball Drill for Middle Blockers

This series of videos contain the 3 ball wash volleyball drill for middle blockers. This great drill helps middle blockers with eye sequences and footwork. This helps middles with obvious game situation moves that often get neglected because they are not practiced successfully! Additionally it helps middles and blockers more successfully read the game, plus focus on watching the hitters arm swing.