Volleyball Setting, Perfect Indoor Volleyball Setting with Stein Metzger

Proper volleyball setting can be the make or break factor for just about any volleyball team at any level. Often times the development of this absolutely essential but deceptively tricky volleyball skill is neglected…but it shouldn’t be. Learn from 3 Time NCAA Champ Stein Metzger.

Brian Gimmillaro Learn to Play Volleyball – Setting

This 52 minute instructional volleyball video focuses on the volleyball skill of setting. Learning to set is one of the most difficult things to do successfully in volleyball. In video will teach both coaches and players this important skill from both aspects. This video is a must for anyone who wants to learn good volleyball setting technique.

Bill Ferguson – Conversations from the Office, Breakout Sessions, Setting

n this video Bill Ferguson goes over “Breakout Sessions” from the early part of practice! The goal during breakout sessions is to work on specific skills and develop the players skills individually. During a breakout sessions coaches focus on individual players and specific volleyball skills for the player. In video 1 we go over Bill and the setter specific drills