Beach volleyball defense drills to help improve your individual and team digging while on the defense in beach volleyball.

Alicia Zamparelli – Beach Volleyball Digging

Alicia presents her six videos of digging on the beach. Here are highlights of what is included to become a better defender.
1. A drill working on the fundamentals of a solid platform and using it to cut the ball off.
2. How to dig a high line shot over the block.

Anthony Medel Beach Volleyball Defense

Anthony gives a full insiders look at how to become a top defender on the beach. His easy to understand, step by step instructions include the following.
1. Get into position by not watching the serve, be ready and relaxed.
2. Keep the body in good position and ready to go dig the ball in any direction.

Eric Fonoimoana Beach Volleyball Defense

Defense wins championships. Eric presents a series of videos on defense that led him to the ultimate prize, an Olympic gold medal.

1. Begin by positioning on the sand with the feet and arms in the correct location.
2. Using correct footwork to run down a shot with minimal steps increases speed.

Alicia Zamparelli the Pokey in Beach Volleyball

The perfect pokey and how it is done is shown by Alicia in this video series. Every player must have this move in their arsenal.

1. What the pokey is and a drill to get started
2. How to use the pokey on defense
3. Quickly adjust when the ball is hit easy and the hands are already up high