The Volleyball1on1 “Train the Trainer” Club Coaches Clinic certification program is held Friday, Saturday and Sunday for your club coaches at your preferred location!
2 1/2 -day Volleyball1on1 “Train the Trainer” Certification Program
All fees waived (Normally $350 / Coach) when minimums are reached on the players camp!
Format Details:
Day 1 – Volleyball1on1 Complimentary Youth / Middle School Clinic – Friday, (TBD – Date) Hours: 4:30 – 6:30 pm
This clinic is design as a fundraiser for the club to help offset cost plus help build club participation. We find clubs that follow our advice relative to this format tend to see a 40% increase in youth level participation in the club. We do not charge the club for our coaching however the club is encouraged to charge $25 per attendee. All youth attendees receive a 3 month membership to (Valued @ $149.97)
Day 1 – Volleyball1on1 “Train the Trainer” Club Coaches Clinic – Part 1 – Friday, (TBD – Date) Hours: 6:30 – 9:00 pm
This 2 1/2 hour clinic teaches the core principals as it relates to the Volleyball1on1 Coaching Curriculum plus creates a foundation for how the club coaches should work together as a collective towards the best interest of the players and the club.
*This clinic is open to local middle school and high school coach with club approval. We find this a great tool to help recruiting for the club.
Day 2 – Volleyball1on1 “Train the Trainer” Club Coaches Clinic via Club Players Clinics – Saturday, (TBD -Date) Hours Saturday: Clinic #1 – 8 am – 12:00 pm and Clinic #2 1 – 5:00 pm.
Skills Development Clinic: Serving, Passing, Spiking and Running Practice Plan 1.
Price per player is $75.00 or $59.97. (Local – Southern California)
45 Player Minimum on 3 courts. 48 Max on 3 courts.
Day 2 – Volleyball1on1 Parent Meeting – Saturday, (TBD -Date) Hours Saturday: 5:00 – 5:30 pm.
Complimentary clinic for club parents where Volleyball1on1 shares our unique ideas coaching and parenting philosophies including “Its Bigger Than Volleyball!” (TM)
All club parents and coaches invited!
Day 2 – Volleyball1on1 “Train the Trainer” Club Coaches Clinic – Part 2 – Saturday, (TBD – Date) Hours: 6:00 – 9:00 pm
This 2 1/2 hour clinic teaches the core principals as it relates to the Volleyball1on1 Coaching Curriculum plus creates a foundation for how the club coaches should work together as a collective towards the best interest of the players and the club.
*This clinic is open to local middle school and high school coach with club approval. We find this a great tool to help recruiting for the club.
Day 3 – Volleyball1on1 “Train the Trainer” Club Coaches Clinic via Club Players Clinics – Sunday, (TBD -Date) Hours Sunday: Clinic #1 – 8 am – 12:00 pm and Clinic #2 1 – 5:00 pm.
Skills Development Clinic: Setting, Blocking, Defense and Running Practice Plan 2.
Price per player is $75.00 or $59.97. (Local – So Cal)
45 Player Minimum on 3 courts. 48 Max on 3 courts.
Bonuses Each Coach Receives Are Valued At Over $750.00 Per Coach!
Each coach receives the Volleyball1on1 Club Coaches Certification Program Manual (valued @ $125.00)
Each coach receives the Volleyball1on1 Club Coaches 30 Practice Plans Manual (valued @ $200.00)
Each coach receives a Volleyball1on1 Club Coaches Certification Certificate upon completion of the two-day club coaches clinic. (Valued @ $21.97)
Each coach receives a Volleyball1on1 branded beach volleyball (Valued @ $34.97)
Each coach receives 6-months Volleyball1on1 online video tutorial subscription. (Valued @ $149.97)
Each coach receives the Volleyball1on1 Peak Performance OODA Loop Vision Training Posters and exclusive training. (Valued @ $250)
Bonuses Each Player Receives Are Valued At Over $180.00 Per Player!
Each player receives a Volleyball1on1 branded volleyball (Valued @ $34.97)
Each player receives a 6-month Volleyball1on1 online video tutorial subscription. (Valued $149.97)
*Please note, the minimum number of players required per day to waive the coaches clinic cost.
**Each clinic can host 12 – 16 Player Max Per Court)