How do I become a member?
Click here for all membership details.
Why did you make Volleyball1on1?
Andor Gyulai (Founder) – “Growing up in South Africa I did not have access to the best volleyball coaches and players in the world. I remember back in 1993 going to the store and paying $25 just to get the monthly issue of Volleyball Magazine to try and learn something. With Volleyball1on1 this has all changed, now no matter where you are in the world you can learn volleyball secrets and technique from the absolute best players and coaches in the world. I wished I could have had this resource growing up! As Galileo says: The solution is simple once you know the answer! This is what we have accomplished at – Now you know the best technique, the best jump program, the best training, the best workouts, the best…”
What our Pro Instructors have to say: Gold Medalist Eric Fonoimoana – “I just wish this was there when I started playing!”
How long have you been around?
The Volleyball1on1 team was first put together in spring of 2009 and the site officially launched December 16, 2009.
How are you able to present such top level instructors?
Andor approached top players he knew from playing at UCLA as well as being involved in the volleyball community! This has since grown and now more and more often we are approached by coaches looking to grow their brand and share their knowledge! That being said if you are a coach or player looking to build your brand, promote your camps, and share your knowledge with the world contact us. Andor will get back to you with in a few days to discuss opportunities.
Who is this site designed for?
Volleyball1on1 is for everyone! From people who’ve never seen a volleyball to Olympic gold medalists you will find instruction beneficial for you!
Andor – “I was chatting with a FIVB Pro Beach Player the other day and he was telling me how much he got out of watching Matt Fuerbringers 24 Videos on Beach Blocking. This guy was 1 of 2 of the top ranked team in his country going to 2012 Olympics!”
All FAQ’s about memberships are found here.