Bill Harrison – Central Vision Slows the Game Down

In this video Bill Harrison describes and teaches about central vision and how this skill if used correctly can significantly slow the game down. The problem is this skill has real physical limitations and it is important to understand these limitations when using the skill to improve athletic performance.

Bill Harrison – With Rapid Switching of Your Eyes You Cannot Think

In this video Dr.Bill Harrison discusses how the rapid switching of your eyes stops thinking and forces only seeing. This is an extremely powerful concept that can be used by players to eliminate the focus on past errors that just happened and rather focus on the coming next play.

Bill Harrison – Biggest Mistake in Sports

Until recently most coaches were flat out wrong as too why an error occurred in the kinetic chain of motor skill movement as it relates to sports. For most coaches the focus of the breakdown will generally be perceived as a breakdown in technique or a breakdown in mental concentration. What is interesting is that nothing could be further from the truth. Most mistakes in sports occur because of a breakdown in vision.