King Kong’s Volleyball Spiking Demo With A Fast High Elbow (Serious Range)

For several years now I have heard from these so called volleyball arm-swing experts that the old ways of spiking a volleyball is not correct and that all players should change their arm-swing so that they can avoid shoulder injuries and spike the ball harder. I have always been very skeptical pointing out that shoulder injuries can be avoided by making some minor tweaks verses changing the entire …

Volleyball Spiking Footwork The Approach and Hitting with Andor Gyulai

The first thing you want to consider in order to increase your speed for your volleyball spiking approach is making sure you are back in a ready position to spike! I know it sounds obvious but think of this, more often than not a volleyball spike approach begin in a transition play, as a result you need to practice this skill.

Volleyball Spiking and Hitting Technique Videos by Andor Gyulai

There are few skills in the sport of volleyball as much fun as volleyball spiking. In this series of videos Andor Gyulai will explain what it takes to have perfect technique and form when hitting a volleyball. This series of videos on the subject are the most popular videos in the world on learning volleyball spiking and hitting technique.