Half-Kneeling Rotational Chop Exercise for Volleyball Training with Eric Ilgenfritz

This is an upper body chop PNF pattern that helps develop trunk and lower body stability, upper body strength and rotary mobility executed from a half kneeling stance. In volleyball rotational stability is critical for many of the volleyball skills like spiking yet too few athletes really put attention into this important element of volleyball training and the result is often volleyball injuries.

Single Leg KettleBell Deadlift for Volleyball Training with Eric Ilgenfritz

This exercise is designed to both assess right and left contribution of the hip hinge under an asymmetrical load and increase single leg contralateral deadlift strength. The exercise is unique in that it allows you to fully appreciate the beauty of learning how to stabilize on one leg, while training each side of your body without favoring or over-compensating.

Growth Mindset Impact on Orientation for Volleyball Coaching – OODA Loop (Article 10)

During the Orientation Stage of the OODA Loop you are processing what you Observe. Your mindset is thus critical to understanding and getting meaning from what you see. The Growth Mindset is a simple idea discovered by world-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck in decades of research on achievement and success. Teaching a growth mindset creates motivation and productivity in the worlds of business, education, and sports, especially volleyball.