Volleyball Sled Marches Exercise Drills – Velocity Volleyball Workout 1 – Linear

In this video you will learn about sled marches and the important points to consider as well as the benefits when performing this exercise. It is really revealing how important it is to work with expert trainers as even college volleyball players need correcting on drills as proven by this video and exercise.

Volleyball Single Leg Step Ups Exercise Drill – Velocity Workout 1 – Linear

The next drill is the single leg step up drill where the players step up onto a 6, 12 or 18 inch box. Not 18 inch box might be for elite Olympic level athletes so most user should look at the 6 or 12 inch box. This exercise builds leg muscle explosion which can be used for pretty much everything in volleyball including jumping and defense.

Sumo Squat Touchdown and Series of Runs with No False Step – Velocity Volleyball Workout 1 – Linear

This video contains the sumo squat touchdown exercise as well as drills to help work on no false steps with your movement. The sumo squat touchdown is a great exercise and works on hip mobility and hamstring flexibility.